The department of Food Science and Processing Management conducted the Board of Studies Meeting on 29h October 2021 at 01.00 P.M. through this Google Meet link .Mrs. Deepalakshmi, Head i/c and Chairman of the BoS welcomed the gathering and explained about the skeleton of the entire syllabus and the revisions made for the upcoming Even Semester for during the academic year (2021-2022). Dr. J.B. Sharmila, Associate Professor & Head, Dept. of Home Science, Sri Meenakshi College for Women, Madurai was invited as the University Nominee. Mr. P V Gopimanivannan, Head, Department of Food and Dairy Technology, Mannar Thirumalai Naicker College Madurai and Ms. ShivPoornima Anbuselvan, Visiting Professor, Dr.G.Sakunthala College of Nursing, Trichy took part in the BoS meeting as the Course Experts. Dr.Singaravadivel, Director, Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology Government of India, Tanjore was invited as an Industry Expert & Ms. Abinaya, Product Analyst, Ruby Food Products Madurai as Alumni. Dr.R.Sujatha- Principal, Dr.S.Priya – Dean-Academics and IQAC Asst.Coordinators of SLCS were presented as Special invitees. The Department Faculty members, a Parent and a Student participated as members in the Board of Studies Meeting. All the members gave their valuable suggestions and recommendations for framing the syllabus.