The Internet club and Techie Quest club jointly celebrated the WORLD EDUCATION DAY on 24th January, 2022 and organized a WEBINAR ON DIGITAL LITERACY. Mr.S.Bala Ganesh, Student Coordinator delivered the welcome address. Students of Internet club and Techie quest club participated in the session. Dr.S.Priya, Dean-Academics addressed the gathering. In her speech, she explained the importance and benefits of Open Education Resources (OER) for teaching-learning process. Further, she elaborated on creative commons and its usage. The session helped the students to learn creative works and educational access resources. Totally 44 students (21 students of Internet club and 23 students of Techie quest club) were benefitted by attending the session. Ms.S.R.Tharuni of I CS, delivered vote of thanks. This interactive session was useful to the students.