Career guidance programme was organized by Department of Commerce, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, on 10-05-2018, at AV Room, RLINS. 81 students participated in the programme with their parents. Welcome address was given by Mrs.V.Padmavathy, HOD Commerce, Presidential address was given by Dr.P.Saravanan, Principal, SLCS. Chief Guest CA.P.Selvaraj, gave an in-depth knowledge about Chartered Accountant Course and how B.Com (Honours) Course curriculum helps in accomplishing it. He also explained how this course will help in their Career in future. Dr.S.Senbaganathan, Asst.Prof. Dept. of Commerce, R.D.Govt. Arts College, Sivagangai had advised students course with value added will help them in getting better opportunities in future also he stated that studying commerce provides the scope to work in various fields. Mr.Hariharan, an aluminus had shared his experience like do’s and don’ts during the course duration. Mr.Aditya Kaashyap an aluminus had given a speech about the internship and how to utilize that experience for further development. During the question session parents raised many question regarding the C.A Course and it was clarified by the resource person, they felt happy about the programme as it helped them in deciding their ward’s future. Then vote of thanks given by Dr.K.Archunan, Vice Principal. The programme ended with the National Anthem.