Department of Computer science and Information technology conducted TechTalk event on 3, August 2018 at MBA Seminar Hall. The TechTalk event was started with a devotional prayer song. T.Kaleeswaran of III B.Sc IT had delivered the welcome speech. K.J.Venkatesh of III B.Sc IT & C.Sowmiya of II B.Sc CS(SSS) had compered for the entire section. And the session continued with the power point presentation by the students, S.Sankara Narayanan and J.Sriram about “Holo lens”, C.Shanmuga Priya and P.Archana about “Chat bot” and then R.Srivajan and R.Joan Joseph Rexith on “Optogenetics”. The session came to an end with the vote of thanks delivered by N.Vignesh of II B.Sc CS(SSS).