Department of Commerce (Honours) ACCA and Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) jointly organized a Seminar on “Entrepreneurial Finance” on 03.02.2023 at Seminar Hall of our college premises. The Resource Person, Dr. N. Selvalakshmi, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce (SF), Mannar Thirumalai Naicker College, (Autonomous), Madurai, shared her experience to the students. She motivated the students to think of the entrepreneurial finance as the process of acquiring capital and making financial decisions for a new venture or startup. On starting a company, entrepreneurs dedicate a majority of their time securing the funds to make their vision a reality. This involves approaching of investors and seeking loans that can allow them to launch operations and acquire resources. Funding may be provided by friends, family, venture capitalists, angel investors, banks and other sources. Totally 51 students and 7 Faculty members participated and got benefitted by attending this program.