D.P. Roy Choudhury Association, Department of Animation, organized a “Workshop on Effective Tips & Tricks in the VFX Industry”on 03.09.2022 in Animation Academic Lab– I of our college premises.

The programme started with the prayer song and the welcome address was given by Mr. P.Kishore Kumar, Head i/c cum Asst. Prof., Dept. of Animation.
Mr. Mathan, VFX Team Lead, B2H Studio, Chennai,was invited as the chief guestof the day.The demand for skilled VFX Artists is constantly on the raise.

This workshop gave an advanced training on the latest VFX software and plug-ins in which the students can develop their skills required for the topmost recruiters. The session facilitatedthe students with themeaningful tips & tricksthat honethe VFX skills further. He stressed on the idea, “Junior Artists are like sponges. Your higher-ups are not expecting you to know everything. In fact, companies are most likely hiring you based on your simple skills being done exceptionally well. Remember that technical skills are significant but not everything – your social skills will really enable you to set off in this industry.  Above all, remembering to really get a firm grasp on yourself prior entering these industries will help you immensely!”

The Programme ended fruitfully and totally 28 students were benefitted through this program.