The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management  students has attended one day seminar in the title of  international trade over the world in spices On 14.08.2018  organized by vibrant Tamilnadu  in – IDA scudder trade centre Madurai


There are 20 students are participated in this program

In view of this five chief guest from various places they deliver their message to the students in much useful way




1.Dr. Rajesh Kazi Shrestha,
Chairman, Nepal Chamber of Commerce, Nepal



2. Girish Kumar K. S,
Senior Trader, Al Saqr General Trading Co. LLC, Dubai &Societe Al Saqr Madagascar SARL, Tamatave, UAE Food Importer
3. KalanithyAmirthalingam,
Director, Rabeena Food Sri Lanka and Honorary Assistant Secretary of NCE


4. George Bodgan,
Vice President, AMRL SEZ, India
5. V.K.K. Rajasekaran,
Deputy President, KLSICCI Malaysia
6. SmitJani,
Co-founder, Custom Food Packaging, Canada
7. RavichandranRagupathy,
Founder – South Indian Food & Film Festival Australia, Australia
8. WalfredTagorManichuruk,
Director of Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) in Chennai, Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia