On behalf of Department of CS & IT, TechnoFest association inauguration programme has been conducted on 15.06.2018 at 11.10 AM in Seminar Hall. The meeting was started with a devotional prayer song. N.Kanmani of II B.Sc CS(SSS) welcomed the gathering. Our department coordinator Mrs.N.Anuradha introduced the chief guest of the session Mr.R.Shanmuga Priyan, Alumni, Department of Visual Communication and gave felicitation address. The chief guest Mr.R.Shanmuga Priyan delivered motivational speech to the students by sharing his life experience and hurdles he passed. Also he shared his own business experience that was really an eye opening session to the final year students those who waiting for their internship training. Then he played a video about FTTH (Fiber To The Home), which is a main tool for his business. Through this session students have got more idea about networking in real time. And the session was continued with the power point presentation by the students T.Vigneshwaran & S.Suriya Narayanan about IOT, P.Abirami & R.Vishnu Priya about Big Data and J.SathyaSeelan &S.Dhanish Kumar about Cryptography. The session came to an end with vote of thanks by P.Pandi Karthik of II B.Sc CS (SSS).