The Department of Networking organized an Industrial Visit to Chips Software Solutions,Ernakulam from 08/05/2022 to 11/05/2022. T.U.K Menon , Senior Director of Chips Software System addressed the students and advised them to actively participate in Internship and training provided by the Institution .He explained how the Industrial Visit helped the students to get practical knowledge.All the students of I,II,III year of Networking gained fruitful information regarding Network configuration Protocols ,Web Designing and learned more about the Machine learning . He elaborated that Machine Learning is an application of AI and it is the process of using mathematical models of data to help a computer, learn without direct instruction. The students were able to know how AI and Machine learning enable a computer system to continue learning and improving on its own, based on the experience. In general the Industrial visit yielded a good insight on the Corporate environment among the students.Thus the students of I,II and III year Networking Department gained knowledge on experienced learning through this visit.Totally 49 students were benefited by this Visit.