The Department of Computer Science, Department of Networking and ICT Committee of SLCS together organized a one-day FDP on E-Content & MOOC Development for all staff members in F40 hall at SLCS on 15th December, 2020. Mr N. Ramkeerthi, Producer, EMRC, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai was invited as the chief guest for the event.
Mr. M/ Athigopal, HoD, Department of Networking gave a warm welcome to the chief guest and everyone present there.
Dr. R. Sujatha, Principal, SLCS delivered the presidential address.
Mrs. N. Anuradha, HoD, Department of Computer Science introduced the chief guest.
Mr. M. Ramkeerthi, the chief guest, spoke about his attachment with the former Principal of SLCS, Dr. R. Ramamoorthi and started his session by explaining the teaching aids that a teacher employs to pass on knowledge to a larger group. He, then, explained various aspects of e-content, e-learning, different learning styles, incorporation of instructional designs, forms of e-content elements, components of e-content and voice cadence for educational communication. His speech was so enlightening and beneficial that everyone could create e- content and use them in an effective manner.
Finally, Dr. P. Joe Arun Raja, Assistant Professor, Department of Networking, proposed the vote of thanks.