As a part of the Environmental Awareness month, an Exhibition on “Environmental Awareness and Protection” was organized on 17.12.2015. The students of B.Com First Year, Second Year and Final Year were the exhibitors. Mrs. V. Padmavathy – Head of the Department of Commerce welcomed the gathering. The Theme Speech on “Eco Expo” was given by Asst. Prof. Mr. D. Abraham Pradeep. Dr. R.L. Ramnath, Principal SLCS, delivered the Key Note Address and distributed the prizes to the ‘Mod Art’ and ‘Rangoli’ Winners. Mr. P. Senthil Kumaran, Head of the Department of Tamil and Mrs. R. Suganthi Hepzibah, Head of the Department of English were the Judges. Asst. Prof. Mr. R. Sundareswaran delivered the Vote of Thanks.