Royal Chartered Association of B.Com (Honours) ACCA organised CULFEST 2021 on 28th December at Audio Video hall, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai. The program started with a prayer. After the prayer we had many events such as Paper presentation, Storytelling, Elocution, Debate, Quiz and Musical Chair. We also had a few cultural events like Dancing, Singing, Antakshari and Dumb Charades. Paper presentation was held on various topics like Crypto Currency, Addiction, Depression, Social Media etc. The storytelling competition was held on various topics like Honesty, Patience, Equality and Hard Work. In the elocution competition topics of problems related to Empowerment of Indian Economy, Brain Drain and Migration of Skilled Labours, etc. were discussed, which helped our students to understand the significance of education and responsibities of its citizens. Students exhibited their talents in the above mentioned events. At the end, Prizes and certificates were given to the winners by Dr. D.Selvaraj, Head Incharge of the Department and Vote of Thanks was given by Mr. A.Raja, Assistant Professor. A total of 45 students participated in this association program.