The Department of Animation organized a Career Guidance Programme on “Importance of Rotoscopy in the Feature Films” through Alumni Interaction on 01.04.2022, Friday between 03.00PM and 04.00PM. The Programme was started by Mr.P.Kishore Kumar, Assistant Professor of the department. The Resource person for the event wasMr. Prem Kumar, Roto Artist, BOT VFX, Chennai. He is a well-known alumnus from the 2014–2017batch and he is very much eager to talk to the students about the“Importance of Rotoscopy in the Feature Films”. He inspired the students by discussing the various software’s and plugins which is used in the Rotoscopy sector. Through the discussion forum, he encouraged students by expressing his insights. The Session ended fruitfully. Totally 28 students (II year) were benefitted from this programme.