On behalf of the Department of Commerce B.Com(B&I) a meeting was held on 30.11.2019 with Mrs.M.Mural Satam, Assistant Secretary , Insurance Institute of India (III) , Mrs.Manisha Shinde of Insurance Institute of India (III) and Mr.G.Srinivasan, Secretary, Madurai Insurance Institute in order to sign an MoU with Indian Institute of Insurance to provide Licentiate as a value added program for the B.Com(B&I) students. The program started with the welcome address by Dr.S.Pugalanthi, Head of the Department, RLIMS. Dr.B.Ramamoorthy, Principal, SLCS, delivered a speech about the college and the specialization of the courses, it offers. Mrs.V.Padmavathy, Head, Department of Commerce, informed that a requisition was sent by the B.Com Department to Insurance Institute of India (III) for approval of an MoU. Mr.G.Srinivasan, Secretary, Madurai Insurance Institute, detailed the efforts taken by the Department and Mrs.M.Mural Satam, Assistant Secretary assured that the MoU will be signed at the earliest. The program ended with the vote of thanks given by Mr.P.Selvam, Assistant Professor, and MBA.