Department of Animation conducted its 11th Board of Studies meeting on 24th December 2018 (Monday) for the even semester of Current academic year (2018-19).Dr.M.Thangaraj, University Nominee, Professor & Head, Department of Computer Science, School of Information Technology, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Mrs. Shanmuga @ Mohana, Assistant professor, Department of Visual communication, American College, Madurai and Mr. Nagendran, Asst. professor, Art department, American College, Madurai as subject experts, Mr.Balashyameshwaran, as Industry Expert and Mr. M.Abdul Aziz Hakkim our past student as Alumni member attended the meeting and gave valuable comments and suggestions about the syllabus. It is resolved to continue with the existing syllabus for 2016-19 & 2017-20 Batches. For 2018-21 Batch students, (Part-IV) Environmental Studies Paper Examination mode is converted from normal written examination to Online Examination. Faculty members Mr.P.Thirunavukkarasu, HoD, Mr.V.Chenthil Kumar, Mr.M.Purushothaman, Mr.N.Naveendra Kumar and Mr.P.Kishore Kumar were the members of the meeting and they done all the arrangements.